DigiTrends Is a Popular
MVP Development Services
Provider in USA

Develop MVP or minimum viable product as the first version of your product with a highly efficient development process and authentic methodology. This way your business can accelerate marketing time with minimal cost with our expert MVP developers. Optimize your path to a successful product launch by partnering with our world-class MVP development company.

Our Services

Here’s What Minimum Viable Services DigiTrends Provide Its Clientele

We provide full-cycle MVP development from start to finish, so you don't have to worry about anything. Our full-service startup software development provides your bespoke app with the developers and additional features it needs to flourish in the market. DigiTrends ensures that your minimal viable product is reliable and well-designed, from comprehensive business analysis and professional development to app publishing. Got an idea? Here’s what DigiTrends provide in the category of MVP development.

MVP Consulting

We help you deliver your MVP as quickly, cost-efficiently, and safely as possible. Our team will choose the right functionality, give strategic advice on the techs and architecture, help you comply with regulations, describe the detailed implementation roadmap with schedules, budget, and resources for each stage, and more.

Pilot MVP

The MVP is slightly different from the pilot in that it is a more bare-boned effort to accelerate learning about a possible solution with minimum resources. It is more suited to technology projects. A better understanding of how the product will be used with iterating results-based finishing touches or changes.

Prototype Design

Way to rapidly test the basic ideas and assumptions behind the product along with hypothesis testing. DigiTrends develops visible and tangible ideas into reality that are timely integrated with insights from testing and collecting usage data.

Single Feature MVP

An experiment to test a leap of faith assumption after you've already gathered evidence using many other discoveries and research methods. To discover the core functionality of your product our single feature MVP targets a specific niche group.


Start Small, Scale Fast with Our MVP Development Services

We leverage our solid experience in MVP systems and software development to provide you with end-to-end MVP development services, from initial business analysis to product delivery and launch to the market. Whether we step in at any stage of development or take your idea from zero, you can be sure we turn it into a quality MVP that fully reflects the potential of your future product. Our design-driven development process ensures frequent and transparent deliveries.
We’re well-versed in technology & quality, being able to guide you through the optimal tech stack for your product. Being flexible to changes, we understand that priority & budget alterations are natural - our approach ensures adjustments can be made cost-effectively, on the fly.

So, join hands with us for the guaranteed success of your MVP software development and steer forward in the right direction.

How we do it

How DigiTrends Implements And Launches MVP

The purpose of building an MVP is to launch a product quickly, based on an established idea, with a small budget. MVP development solutions allow businesses to collect users’ feedback for the primary product and include it in future iterations. With an MVP, one can find the right audience, pull the ideas based on experience, and save time and here’s how we do it.

  • Market Research

    There will be times when your ideas will not fit the market needs. Before initiating an idea and embarking towards MVP development, DigiTrends ensure that our client’s idea fulfills the target users’ needs. The more information a business has, the higher the chances of success any business in the world will only see positive gains by conducting surveys.

    Our aim is not only to further the product generation idea of the client but also to keep an eye out for the target market, customers and competitors. The product concept while keeping these factors in mind helps create a MVP similar to the final product you have in mind.

  • Solving Root Problem

    DigiTrends is clear in respect to essential estimations for the product and as MVP applies, the product has introduce value to the people in its most basic state. For this reason we usually begin by outlining the users and build the MVP based on their needs.
    Instead of committing a ton of resources to product development, initially introduce the features which basically list back to the bare bones and simply launch the smallest, simplest version of the product we can.

  • Mapping User-Flow

    The mapping user flow is a vital MVP stage therefore, we design app in a way that is convenient for users. In addition, user flow is important because it ensures nothing will be missed while keeping future product and user satisfaction in mind.
    Defining the user flow is necessary to determine the process stages. It is essential to explain the steps needed to reach the main objective. The focus should be on basic tasks such as finding and buying the product or managing and receiving orders rather than features.

  • Prioritize Features

    In order to build the smallest functioning version of your product, we categorize the core features that we can't do without, and the 'nice to have features we need to save for later iterations. If a business wants to see how its future product will look, it can join us to create an MVP prototype. To prioritize the MVP features, we need answers to questions like: What do the users want? Is this product offering them something beneficial?

  • Launching MVP

    Once the details are settled about the market needs, it’s time to develop and create the MVP. Sometimes you can test the demand for a new product or an application’s ability to meet business requirements without actual coding and with the minimum possible investments. For this, DigiTrends uses such MVP types as Landing page MVP and Flintstone MVP.
    A landing page MVP requires text or video presentation that introduces your idea to a target audience while a flintstone MVP advertises new software and fakes the automation of processes you want it to perform, handling them manually behind the scenes.

  • Exercise ‘B.M.L.’

    MVP isn't an end-goal, it's a stepping stone. After the product development phase, the product must be tested. The first testing stage is carried out by our expert QA engineers who work to improve the product’s quality. This process is the start of a feedback loop, designed to help you to continually improve your product.

    As our client starts to earn feedback from real users, they might begin to realize that some of the assumptions they made at the first change might be wrong. If it is assumed that one of the initial fundamental assumptions is wrong, DigiTrends use it as an opportunity to learn, change and improve or remain resolute in the face of adversity, and hope that the dip in performance isn't symptomatic. In other words, either pivot or persevere.

Why Choose Us

Why You Should Opt DigiTrends for Your Minimum Viable Product

DigiTrends has the experience of more a decade as a leading MVP software development company. We can help you create apps to fulfill market needs as soon as there is an opportunity by validating the product concept, gaining useful feedback from the customer, and iterating and refining the product until it is fully evolved. At DigiTrends, we understand your idea and develop it to turn it into products that are delightful, useful, and valuable for you and your user with the help of defined processes with an agile approach of delivering products that are built to last.

While constantly experimenting with building applications and products we also deal in enterprise development. This is why we know exactly what it takes to build a successful MVP. You can rely on us for the development of cost-efficient proof of concept software development to validate product-market fit. We can help generate insights and perform testing to make data-driven decisions that help your MVP transform into a full-fledged digital product.


How Much Does It Cost To Develop An MVP With Us?

The optimal cost to create MVP varies from $15,000 to $50,000, which is about $30,000 on average. We urge you to independently estimate the MVP cost level depending on the scope of work, team, type of contract, and so on for your project. But what are the factors that influence the MVP costs? Since the MVP development cost varies depending on a large number of components, prices will differ based on the specialists you contact. The main factors affecting the price are:

  • Amount Of Work

    The work scope is a key factor in determining the MVP cost since this aspect covers the core functionality of the application. Besides, it is also necessary to analyze the difficulty of implementing an app as well as the need to use specific features.

  • Hourly Rate

    The hourly rate format is very advantageous because payment is based on actual work. However, what affects the diversity of pricing policies? We suppose that it's all about the geographical location and qualification level of developers!

  • Development Team

    Nowadays, both in-house and outsourced options are equally common. If you have a technical background, you may consider establishing a personal development team in preparation for scale-up.

  • Contractual Obligations

    Another important component of MVP costs. The most common type of contract for hiring a development team is the Time and Material Contract, which implies actual payment per hour.


How MVP App Development Benefits Your Business

Here at DigiTrends, we specialize in product solutions & development along with specialization in Idea prototyping, MVP development, and custom software solutions. We put a strong focus on the needs of your business to figure out solutions that best fit your goal and get it done.

  • Customer Feedback

    Working within time and financial limits, we help you find a reasonable balance between bringing your idea to life and what your customers really need.

  • Saving Efforts

    Your dedicated MVP development team will help you to avoid common product mistakes and reduce operational costs by testing fewer assumptions.

  • Decreased Market Time

    On average, it takes 3-4 months to develop and release an MVP, which allows you to roll out your product fast and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Long-Term Planning

    With data-driven decisions and a well-thought strategy, you can continue improving your product, cater it to business objectives and scale faster.

Our Expert Team

Our Team Role for Minimum Viable Product Development

Project Manager

Oversees an MVP project, including delivery on time and on budget, preventing feature creep, etc.

UX Designer

Performs UX research designs minimum necessary user interactions with an MVP, and information architecture and conducts usability testing.

Developers (2-5)

Back-end developers build the MVP server-side and APIs while the front end deal with developing the MVP client side.

Business Analyst

Elicits functional and non-functional MVP requirements, and technical limitations define MVP modules and integrations with other systems.

UI Designer

Working closely with UX designers, creates aesthetically pleasing, the custom visual style of the user-facing MVP interface.

Quality Assurance Engineer

Designs and implements the test strategy, plans, and cases, validates the developed MVP, and produces test summary reports.

Tech Stack

Our MVP Software Development Tech Stack

Look at some of our core techs and developing tools that we employ in MVP development





Java is a robust and secure programming language that makes it possible to build reliable, high-performing and efficient applications.


Programming with Kotlin, a cross-platform, statically typed language, is quick and effective, and the code’s quality is also enhanced. The versatility of Kotlin is another major feature.

Java Script

Enhance your mobile app's presence by utilizing back-end technologies that work with front-end frameworks and provide you with useful resources and tools.

Alamo Fire

Alamofire makes it simple for developers to integrate APIs into apps, which makes the process much more intuitive and efficient.

Fire Base

Firebase is built on the BaaS model and offers various valuable services and useful APIs. It provides efficient database management protocols, simple cloud storage connection etc. 


Fast-forward MPEG, sometimes known as FFmpeg, is an open and free multimedia framework that can play nearly all multimedia files and decode, encode, convert, mux, and demux them.


Apple's CoreData technology enables the administration of model layer items within an application. It is a widely used database structure that offers automated and all-encompassing answers to typical problems.


We provide outstanding mobile and web development services that help all businesses and startups reinvent their industries with cutting-edge digital solutions. We have expertise in “room database”, which enables businesses to increase their general productivity.


An open-source database management system created for mobile operating systems.  Realm Database is a mobile object database designed for offline use that allows you to directly access and store real objects without using an ORM.


SQLite is a robust and adaptable RDBMS, and through the use of the SQLite database, we assist clients in expanding their businesses and moving their activities online.


Redux is a state management database that allows programs to function reliably in various settings. Our skilled engineers are proficient in Redux, which helps our clients comprehend how information travels in an app and other things.

Key Sourcing Models

DigiTrends Offers Key Sourcing Models For MVP Development

We help our clients in developing the most suitable minimum viable product that provides them with top-tiered and organic responses at a price point that gives the business owner the profit margins they need. We discuss your business idea with our MVP application development team and look for industry solutions that would be fueled by insight-driven innovation. For this reason, we have introduced 3 key sourcing models that can help businesses in coming to a decision while keeping in mind any addition to these plans is open for discussion.

Process Outsourcing

DigiTrends assumes full responsibility for the sourcing, recruitment, and onboarding procedures, project team management, MVP development process establishment and coordination, product ownership, and risk management

Partial Outsourcing (Technical Resources)

While the client is responsible for team coordination, risk management, and product ownership, DigiTrends takes up optimal resource usage at peak loads and instant access to niche tech experts for this model.

Outsourced Team (In-House Management)

Established communication and mature processes within the technical team results in fast MVP development project recruitment and onboarding. However, in this model, the client is fully or partially responsible for team coordination, risk management, and product ownership.


Everything You Need To Know About How We Make MVP

Still curious about what MVP is and how you might be needing it for your business to succeed? We hope these answers help.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Assists In Gauging The Market For A Business Idea. It Helps Entrepreneurs Verify The Demand For A Service/Product In Their Targeted Markets And Region.

MVP Software Development Is Important As It Assists In Preventing Huge Losses That An Entrepreneur Can Face If The Product Does Not Perform Well In The Market After Already Investing In Full-Scale Development.

The solution to this question depends solely on the specification and the intended finished result. If the speed is important, we can draw in additional capital, or if costs are of interest, we can adjust the pace to allow the distribution of building costs, which naturally takes longer. The scale, scope, and quality of the project, determine the total amount of time it takes to create an MVP.

In layman's terms, MVP refers to a product that is solely used for market validation of the business idea. For this purpose, it only requires the bare minimum features without any refinements.

On the other hand, a prototype is used for giving product demonstrations to consumers, investors, and other stakeholders. For this reason, a prototype is just a close 2D or 3D replica of the actual product.

While a prototype can be both functional and non-functional, an MVP needs to be functional for proper market validation.

We, of course, decide on the best and the most suitable platform once we understand your ideas. Nevertheless, DigiTrends professional team of developers has worked with a wide variety of businesses, and therefore, we can work on whatever technology works best for you.

Many entrepreneurs have made it big using an MVP. Some companies that started with an MVP and now are considered global giants are Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Airbnb, Spotify, Dropbox, and Etsy. However, MVP development is completely optional for a startup.