Delivering State of The Art Augmented Reality Services

Experience the tech-enabled visualizations in actual locations with our industry-specific, ground-breaking Augmented Reality Solutions. Get in touch with us today to avail our unprecedented AR services.


What DigiTrends AR
Apps are Capable of?

As an AR app development company, DigiTrends ensures to help you develop to make your own AR application irrespective of the industry. We are one of the best AR app development companies whose AR experts can easily comprehend your business and suggest the best possible solutions accordingly. Our augmented reality apps are capable of.

Scene Detection

Perceive real-life surroundings, gathered data as an image on coordinate plane, and translate it, to ensure realistic 3D model placement.

Image And Object Recognition

Our AR apps recognize specific 2D images and 3D real-life objects and augment them with reverent model data on device.

Motion tracking

Dynamically resize and calibrate augmentations on the screen as you and your device move around.

Light Estimation

Our AR apps can automatically adjust the lighting of the 3D model to match that of the scene with smart light estimation algorithms.


DigiTrends Offers Diverse
Augmented Reality Services

As an Augmented Reality App Developer Company, our focus is on innovatively engaging the consumer with Augmented Reality Applications, one of the hottest digital transformation trends driving innovation in major industries today.

DigiTrends help businesses build and deploy 2D, 3D, and virtual reality (VR) applications across various platforms with visual scripting plugins.

AR Developers at DigiTrends build an immersive virtual experience which allows customers to experience alluring interaction with any business’s products and services from the comfort of their device.

DigiTrends deals with a wide stack of AR technologies like AR Kit and ARCore. We offer features that can further accurately help immerse your users in your app.

Our AR technology allows organizations to blend digital content with the real world. The devices identify their surroundings and layer computer-generated effects over a real-time display.

Our developers generate cutting-edge graphics for your applications through Unity platform. This platform allows for easy AR content customization by content designers.

DigiTrends experienced developers offer an impressive set of functions for the AR apps developed at Vuforia for example, 2D/3D object recognition, text recognition and more.


DigiTrends Is Making A Big Impact In The Following Industries With Their AR Apps

What’s the use of tech if you can't apply it to solving real-world problems? Augmented reality apps are found to be useful in a wide range of industries. AR is easier to adapt and in most cases more comfortable to use because the user still sees the physical world around them.


How Digitrends can help you build an augmented reality app?


Virtual fitting rooms and catalogs allow 3D model placements of products in real-life environments.


AR healthcare app offers an augmented setting for doctors


AR apps have helped travelers experience virtual tours


How Augmented Reality Applications Benefit Your Business

Customers enjoy using AR applications, and they’re becoming reliant on the tools to make purchase decisions. Here’s how our AR apps conducts business for you:

  • Efficient Product Sampling

    Create unique digital experiences that blend the best of digital and physical worlds and experience immersive experiences through web browsers.

  • AR Helps Increase Revenue

    AR apps helps turn your users or visitors into customers and increase revenue for your business.

  • Impact On Customers Purchases

    AR apps present the product to customer as how they will be perceived in real time.

  • Custom Visualization

    Customized visualization helps visitors to make rapid decisions that positively impact their image as a brand.

Our Process

How We Enchant Users with Our AR Services

Step into the future with our AR app development process, where creativity meets cutting-edge technology to captivate and immerse users like never before.


Idea Creation

Specify your idea and decide whether your product will be specific for a certain operating system i.e. iOS or Android or it will function as a cross-platform AR application. It is important to choose the right AR stack for your development pipeline.



Make the main idea of the app/website clear to everyone involved and clearly state the features you wish to introduce to your users. Choosing an app’s features is a critical factor because you want to balance the core functionality, boost the user experience and manage the user interface.



Create a clear visualization of how the app will look and develop a simple and minimum viable product (MVP). AR development requires specific frameworks and software development toolkits. Most of them aren’t open-source or free and require a potential cost. So, choosing a tech stack carefully is also recommended.


Graphic Designing

The next important step is choosing the right tools and technologies for your digital product that will help make the user experience friendly. Well-designed graphics play a crucial part in the success of any project. Good 3D models and environments are fundamental in augmented reality apps as their quality improves user experience.


Coding And QA

Technically augmented reality apps need a robust programming architecture that helps these apps recognize real environments and place virtual objects to create an integration between 2 different landscapes. Assess while performing continuous tests like functional testing, instrument testing and unit testing.


Deploy Or Launch

Once the app is tested, it goes for client approval, deployment, and launch your efficient and robust AR app without any hiccups. It is the final step that will help you make your application live while the developing team will be standby to tackle any problems in case they arrive.


How DigiTrends Can Help You Build An Augmented Reality App?

Our experts have successfully developed and released several AR applications. AR technology is already widely available to end-users. All they need to experience AR is a smartphone with a camera.

Based on estimation, AR app development cost for android could be ranged from $2000–$2,00,000 while an AR app on iOS can range from $2,500–$2,00,000. However, the final cost depends on factors like factors, such as features and functionalities, types of the AR app, and the app’s complexity.

Interactive AR apps with virtual elements of physical objects and allowing real-life interactions with the user, e.g., using the touch screen, are most in demand. Since we use complex algorithms and multiple sensors, the augmented reality development timeline may exceed 850 or up to 1,000 hours.

Besides AR app development services DigiTrends provide various other digital solutions and software irrespective of the fields they are related. We are already a household name in the pharmaceutical, Fintech and more industries.

Our experts have successfully developed and released several AR applications. AR technology is already widely available to end-users. All they need to experience AR is a smartphone with a camera.