Manufacture Next Generation Enterprise Development Software with DigiTrends

DigiTrends builds corporate-level, custom solutions that support your current IT objectives and all operational processes essential. We offer scalable services that cooperate with the operations of your business to satisfy your varied set of goals.

Our Expertise

How Our Enterprise Software Development Push You to Success

In addition to having a distinct objective, enterprise software development also differs from standard or particular methods in a number of ways. Because we assist businesses in developing, implementing, and efficiently using complex enterprise solutions, we are skilled at providing the best enterprise application development software. We offer a wide range of corporate web apps that streamline operations and let staff members complete daily chores with less time and effort. Below is further information about our unique traits:

Why DigiTrends

Why Go for Enterprise Solution Development with DigiTrends?

As a company that creates enterprise software, our goal is to create enduring relationships with our customers. We help firms fine-tune their project scopes, take advantage of in-person or online collaboration, and restructure collaboration based on their needs and skills. Depending on the parts of the corporate organization they are dedicated to, common enterprise software examples can come in a range of shapes and sizes. With the aid of large all-in-one systems or a collection of connected solutions, we create different systems for various firms or organizations that can streamline management, marketing, customer relations, etc. Our solutions that are commonly employed around the world include:


Customer relationship management (CRM) solutions consolidate various marketing opportunities, upsell/cross-sell opportunities, continuously obtained customer data, customer communication, and commercial organization and planning in one location.This kind of business software is simply a fully functional contact list that automates a large number of client interactions that a human specialist would otherwise have to handle manually only to become overburdened with a needless routine and significantly underperform.


ERPs, also known as enterprise resource planning systems, are used to organize and manage all the internal tasks that businesses must perform. Accounting, supply chain management, risk compliance, procurement, inventories, etc. may fall under this category.For full, transparent procedures both internally and publicly, larger CRM systems and management dashboards are typically connected with ERPs.

Business Intelligence

Data collection and analysis are given separate attention by business intelligence systems, which offer a thorough understanding of all corporate data and analytical insights that could help firms determine the best course for decision-making. And for good reason—data is today's most essential and priceless resource for all business types.

Marketing Automation

After all the internal management, communication, and interaction factors, marketing is the final crucial driver of every firm. Without automating marketing processes, it is impossible to keep up with the pace of the modern market. Tools for marketing automation speed up operations including lead data collection, email newsletter creation, sales alignment, conversion rate analysis, and reporting.

Industries We Serve

DigiTrends Is Impacting Different Industries with Enterprise Software Development

DigiTrends assists companies in embracing the mobile web's future across several industries. As we create solutions that assist you to meet the increasing needs of the digital business environment, we translate your great ideas into remarkable user interfaces. In a variety of fields and business sectors, we have worked with brands and startups and impacted the following industries:

There are many ways to break into the gaming industry, but it's helpful if you can turn your visions into reality through design and development.

We develop software that makes possible a wide range of offline and online trade and commerce-related procedures and processes.

Ensuring business operating models are as efficient as possible to safeguard operating margins and remain profitable, to long-term survival and business sustainability.

We provide practical insights into how markets, businesses, and financial services contribute to eradicating poverty and promoting economic growth.

Our enterprise software helps educational institutions coordinate the work of various departments by integrating all the necessary information within one shared database.

We excel in creating advanced real estate property management software for society owners & managers all over the world.

We deliver cutting-edge corporate enterprise software that may boost clinical effectiveness, enhance treatment results, and better accommodate both patients and healthcare professionals.

Our custom software development can help team members communicate efficiently, keep all users informed of the most recent advancements, and identify any problems early on.
Enterprise Software Engineering

DigiTrends Evolved into an International Contestant in Enterprise Software Engineering

Enterprise Software Development is fundamentally different from producing normal solutions since it must give a lot of extra features and specialized tools intended especially for corporate and facility activities. It might include a ton of things in it that are only available to a specific employee. The goal of enterprise software development is to increase effectiveness, productivity, and business functionality in addition to setting the tone and providing solutions. You can turn to DigiTrends if you need a skilled enterprise development company to produce a unique software solution or if you require an expert integrator to build a connected software ecosystem, or a diverse team of resourceful software developers to manage a number of apps. We offer a wide range of services for designing, creating, maintaining, and supporting mobile applications with flexible engagement methods and project scopes.

  • Custom Enterprise Software Development

    We develop unique software solutions for a company or group. This can encompass everything from customer relationship management (CRM) systems to enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions. By providing tools that are tailored to their unique business demands, the major objective of creating custom enterprise software solutions is to assist firms in operating more successfully and efficiently.

  • Enterprise Mobility Services

    Solutions that enable businesses to allow employees to use mobile devices safely. The practice of protecting company data on employees' mobile devices is known as enterprise mobility management. It includes a number of technologies and services for managing mobile devices.

  • Digital Transformation Services

    The strategy of market dynamics and technical possibilities used by DigiTrends Digital Transformation Services helps businesses undergoing digital transformation achieve their goals. We have timely assisted businesses of all sizes, from small to big corporations, in adapting their digital transformation strategies by knowing their industry and providing specialized solutions thanks to our subject expertise and extensive experience.

  • Data Management

    The definition and execution of policies, processes, and procedures that support the effective and efficient use of digital data define digital data management.
    In order to make judgments and conduct activities that will benefit the business as much as possible, data management aims to assist individuals, organizations and linked things in optimizing the use of data within the constraints of policy and regulation. An effective data management strategy is more crucial than ever as businesses depend more on intangible assets to generate value.

  • Software Integration

    DigiTrends combines different kinds of software sub-systems to produce a single, cohesive system. Companies that use separate systems to perform different activities are becoming more and more dependent on this type of application integration. These activities can range from keeping track of supplier data to storing customer information to tracking sales. It takes specific capability to integrate all of these various systems and apps into one system where data can be gathered and analyzed.

  • Legacy Application Modernization

    The process of redesigning, rewriting, or replacing existing legacy apps that are so out-of-date that they can no longer function properly and fail to meet business objectives is known as legacy app modernization.

    Legacy application modernization continues to be a barrier in the way of the digital transformation of many enterprises. Without clarity or a hurried discovery phase, up to 75% of legacy system modernization projects fall short of completion. With the help of DigiTrends, learn how to make your legacy app modernization endeavor a success.

Our Process

Our Enterprise Software Development Process

DigiTrends integrate security into every stage of development, not just deployment, to guarantee that every application at your organization is safe. As the leading Enterprise Software Developers, we have four basic stages of software construction. These stages apply regardless of the process management strategy your organization employs to generate applications.



Here, the idea for the program or piece of software is developed. Giving developers the tools they need to build secure software from the start is essential because identifying and correcting application security concerns at this early stage is significantly less expensive than waiting until after an application has been deployed.

Create static evaluations that are fully integrated into the development environment to do this and give developers immediate feedback as they work. Developers will also get automated alerts for known susceptible components if they also analyze open-source components. Secure coding best practices are influenced by audited scan results, which also include line-of-code information and remedial suggestions.



An application should undergo additional testing after it has been produced before being made available in a live setting. Even if you built security into your design, it can still run into problems in the actual world.

In a QA, test, or staging environment, a dynamic or mobile analysis of the active application simulates the real-world hacking methods used by potential hackers.

Use dynamic assessments for online apps and web services. Before an application release is delivered to production, these use a combination of automated and manual testing approaches to scan the application attack surface to find exploitable vulnerabilities.

Similar to this, mobile assessments use both manual and automated methodologies to find vulnerabilities in all three layers of the mobile ecosystem-client, including the device, network, and backend services



Now that these tests are finished, deployment can begin. However, it is inevitable that not all vulnerabilities can be fixed before an application goes live. New zero-day vulnerabilities appear in between release cycles, and configuration errors in production setups might cause problems that weren't there in pre-production.

Repeat your tests as soon as your application is operational to make sure everything is safe and functional. Don't, however, think that your security needs end with these one-time checks.



You'll also want to embed security via monitoring because technologies and cyber security threats are always changing.

Continuous dynamic scanning for vulnerabilities and changes in risk profiles, the identification of malicious programs, and the run-time detection of security events in the application itself are all components of an effective production monitoring routine.

These duties are crucial; along with the security testing that must be done in the initial phases of program development. However, they might take a lot of time and require knowledge to deploy properly. Because of this, many organizations use application security services.

Our Innovative Technologies

Emerging Technologies for Enterprise Software Development

A new enterprise software development solution's construction and launch are significant tasks, but the end result is a customized process that offers simplicity in all the appropriate areas. An enterprise custom system is the company's digital image of its brand features, collaborative attitude, and workflow philosophy. Another useful fact to keep in mind is how popular such systems are.Collaborate with DigiTrends right away if you have a company and desire a software solution that streamlines operations or increases productivity!

Artificial Intelligence

Globally, artificial intelligence is driving the digital revolution of business, government, and industry. A whole new software technology stack is necessary due to the particular requirements that come with digital transformation.

Internet Of Things

A collection of technologies known as a business IoT platform allows products and equipment that are linked to the internet to send and receive data. With the aid of data, IoT enables businesses to better manage physical assets, create new revenue streams, and unlock new value from physical assets.


By using blockchain enterprise solutions, businesses may simplify data interchange and operational procedures. With blockchain, business transactions are executed more quickly and efficiently, many procedures no longer require middlemen, and data accuracy is maintained across all nodes.

Cloud Computing

A virtual environment with automated testing is created using cloud computing for project management and software development. For the creation of software, this contemporary environment offers enhanced agility, improved performance, and quicker time to market.

Big Data

The concept of gathering data to gain insights cuts across industries and has been practiced in a variety of — at times rudimentary — ways for many years. But it wasn't until recent years that the theory began to hold up, as technological improvements made it feasible to generate unfathomably large volumes of data about how individuals behave.

Augmented Reality

The technology will increase the effectiveness of your operations and help you save money. You can use it to organize meetings, create 3D prototypes, and install business training software.


Everything You Need To Know About Enterprise Software Development

Check out answers to the frequently asked question about DigiTrends Enterprise Software Development to determine if we can be of any service to you.

Software used to meet the demands of an organization rather than specific consumers is referred to as enterprise software, aka business application software. Businesses, schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and government organizations are examples of those, who utilize these enterprise software solutions.

Companies are putting more of an emphasis on getting their departments to collaborate rather than operate independently. The implementation of an enterprise software solution presents several potentials to increase productivity and minimize manual and administrative work. Further benefits can be listed as 
  • Centralization
  • Process optimization
  • Time and error minimization
  • Increased efficiency
  • Overall view provided at all times
  • Optimized warehouse management

Implementing enterprise software in your business, if performed right, can take your business to great heights, but when implemented wrong, it can turn your planned process into a complex one.
Enterprise software development is a never-ending iterative process. There is no perfect method for developing enterprise software applications. For this, you need to assess your business requirements and follow the best practices that perfectly fit your business needs. 

In our experience, most custom enterprise software projects fall somewhere between the $75,000 and $750,000 mark to design, develop, and implement the application.

Custom software is specifically for the company, according to the company’s way of doing business, while Off-the-shelf software is readily available and not customized. Off-the-shelf software often falls short of meeting specific needs as there will be a lot of unused features in this software.